Medication Packaging

 The primary measure of pharmacy services to aged care facility clients is accuracy. This is simply a measurement of assuring that the right medication goes to the right person. As a result of our commitment and innovative medication packaging procedures, Sable Pharmacy has achieved one of the highest packing accuracy rates in the industry.

As a qualified pharmacist, we continue to strive for even further improvement. That’s our commitment to our customers and our community.

Local Chemist & Customer Discussing Aged Care Medication

An Industry Leader

At our state of the art pharmacy two robotic, fully automated packing machines ensure that patients receive the correct medications thereby reducing medication errors. Australia has strict policies for pharmacies to protect patients. Sable Pharmacy is proud to meet and exceed those medication packaging regulations on every mark.

Over 40 years, we have evolved checking systems, which are responsible for reducing any potential errors even further. We have systems for checking accuracy at every stage of the process, from delivering materials into our packing machines all the way to checking at the time of delivery, that what has been prescribed is what we have packed and delivered. From start to finish, a fully qualified pharmacist performs the entire process.

Continuous Improvement

Sable Pharmacy has in place a system of risk management, and a complete quality-based system of continuous improvement and communication, to ensure that we anticipate any problems rather than just reacting to them. One of the most important aspects of maintaining our industry-leading medication packing accuracy is developing a relationship with each of our customers. We aim to be a part of your healthcare team, working seamlessly with your GP and other specialists.

Whatever system of medication delivery suits you, we can ensure that it will be provided at the best accuracy rates in the industry and that you will be able to have confidence in all medications we provide.